Water Reuse & Recycling

( ZLD -Zero Liquid Discharge )

Reuse for nonpotable applications has long been accepted and is a successful means to maintain freshwater supplies. But in some jurisdictions, it isn’t enough. The need to augment water supplies with reuse of used water for potable water applications is growing. And regulations are being developed. Existing technology can treat and reuse water safely. Little by little, it is becoming more accepted by the public

In the past, water reuse was driven by scarcity, particularly in the west, but now toyaM says it’s being driven by sustainability.



Treatment processes in wastewater reclamation are employed either singly or in combination to achieve reclaimed water quality goals. Those processes include:

  • Membrane Bioreactor Solutions
  • Ultra filtration Solutions
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems.
  • Disinfection Technologies including UV / Ozone / Advanced Oxidation.
  • Electrodialysis Reversal.
  • Thermal Evaporation and Crystallization Systems.
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